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Addressing Health Inequalities in Dublins Inner City.

In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, we discuss the Sláintecare Healthy Community initiative in Dublin's North East Inner City with guests Catherine Heaney and Cáit Donnelly. They explore the recent evaluation report and the importance of partnerships between HSE Health and Wellbeing and community organisations like Dublin City Community Co-op. The conversation highlights the diverse and complex communities they serve, including areas of disadvantage and the impact of social determinants on health. The Sláintecare Healthy Communities project aims to improve long-term health and wellbeing by addressing broader social needs alongside lifestyle factors. The episode emphasises the value of partnership working and community development in health promotion.

Dublin City Community Co-operative (the Co-op), secured funding from the HSE and the North East Inner City (NEIC) Initiative for the Healthy Communities Project and began delivering services in January 2021. This project addresses health inequalities in the North East Inner City of Dublin by building the community's capacity to address health issues that affect them.


Social Prescribing is a key element of this project and recognises the importance of non-medical supports to address the physical and mental health needs of those who face issues such as depression, anxiety, or social isolation. Social Prescribing is a means of supporting Health Care Professionals (GPs, Primary Care Professionals) to refer people to a range of local and non-clinical/non-medical community, voluntary, recreational, and sporting services to support positive health and wellbeing.


As part of the project the Co-op has completed an evaluation of the impact of Social Prescribing, as well as collecting more comprehensive data on the NEIC area. As part of the evaluation process, the Co-op worked in partnership with TASC, a specialist research organisation and independent think-tank whose mission is to address inequality and poverty by translating research into action.  The full report can be read here:


The Co-op have also conducted an impact evaluation of the Healthy Communities Project, again in partnership with TASC, and is available here:


In addition to social prescribing, the Healthy Communities Project delivers a range of health and wellbeing courses to the community of the NEIC for residents in areas such as We Can Quit Stop Smoking Programme, Healthy Food Made Easy, Wellbeing and Stress Management as well as running a Community Coffee morning every Monday which is open to all residents of the NEIC. The project also works closely with the National Screening Service promoting early detection of cancer and with the Health Promotion Officers in the local area.



Written by:

Catherine Heaney,

Project Coordinator  

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