3 min"Nature’s Cure: How Green Social Prescribing is Transforming Mental Health"A new report published by researchers from the University of Exeter , in partnership with the University of Sheffield , Sheffield Hallam...
3 minIt's not just a formality; it is vital!Why is it so Important to evaluating Social Prescribing Services? Social Prescribing is a powerful tool that connects individuals with...
2 minAddressing Health Inequalities in Dublins Inner City. In this episode of the HSE Talking Health and Wellbeing podcast, we discuss the Sláintecare Healthy Community initiative in Dublin's...
1 minCommunity engagement is a key aspect of social prescribingThe Southeast Region of Social Prescribing Services hoasted a conference in Co. Waterford on September 29, 2023 The event took place in...
1 minSPACE – The first Social Prescribing service specifically designed for young people in Ireland. SPACE – The first Social Prescribing service specifically designed for young people in Ireland.
2 minEmpowering Through Social Prescribing: Menopause Support in OmaghMenopause, a natural phase in a woman's life, can often bring about a lot of challenges that impact physical, emotional, and social...